sdnA squad Trials
Come and try out with our Springvale and District Netball Assocation Squad Team.
Age groups:
Under 11 Open, U11 Reserve, Under 13 Open, U13 Reserve, Under 15 Open, Under 15 Reserve, U17 Open, U17 Reserve.
Links to register:
U11's players born in 2014/2015
U13's players born in 2012/2013
U15's players in born 2010/2011
U17's players born in 2008/2009
times and dates:
Date: 14th October 24 Under 11s Warm up is at 4:45pm
Date: 14th October 24 for Under 13s Warm up is at 6:15pm
Date: 18th October 24 for Under 15s & Under 17s Warm up is at 4:45pm
Date: 21st October 24 for Under 11s Warm up is at 4:45pm
Date: 21st October 24 or Under 13s Warm up is at 6:15pm
Date: 25th October 24 for Under 15s & Under 17s Warm up is at 4:45pm